Page 11 - Amazing Smiles
P. 11

photo 2                           Cosmetic Dentistry from the Beginning
photo 3
         By the 18th century, false teeth made of ivory and
         human teeth were in widespread use among the
         aristocracy. These advances were advertised in
         local newspapers. (See photo 3)

               Cosmetic dental procedures aimed at
         improving smiles continued to be performed dur-
         ing the 18th and 19th centuries. In 1789 the very
         first American born dentist, Dr. Isaac Greenwood,
         placed advertisements in the Boston newspaper,
         The Continental Journal advertising his cosmetic
         dental procedures. His son, Dr. John Greenwood,
         who later became famous for being George
         Washington’s dentist, advertised his tooth trans-
         plant procedure as well. By the early 20th century,
         dental materials and techniques improved, bringing
         costs down and making cosmetic dentistry avail-
         able to the growing middle class. More people
         could now take advantage of cosmetic dental pro-
         cedures. As demand for these procedures
         increased, many dentists started to devote their
         entire practice to cosmetic dentistry. These profes-
         sionals became known as cosmetic dentists.

               With the establishment of the American
         Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and the growing
         popularity of cosmetic prodedures, cosmetic den-
         tistry became a focal point in American culture.
         As 20th century culture evolved, new emphasis
         was placed on beauty and appearance. Nowhere
         else was it noted more than in the American

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